Snow & Ice Control Policy

Image of Winter Parking Notice

The city’s Snow and Ice Control Policy describes the measures that the city undertakes to control snow and ice on city streets, sidewalks, parking lots and skating rinks. Reviewed annually, the policy outlines when snow removal operations are undertaken; what the priorities are for streets, sidewalks, parking lots and skating rinks; and what equipment and personnel are engaged in snow removal operations.

Halt the Salt!  Great care is taken to balance safety with the use of salt to keep roads clear of ice. According to MN Pollution Control, it only takes one teaspoon of salt to permanently pollute five gallons of water. High concentrations of chloride in our waterways can harm fish and plant life, and there is no efficient way to remove chloride after contamination occurs.

How can I help?   View this video of local public works operators and learn how residents and cities can work together for cleaner water.  Click here for more tips on how you can use less salt this winter.