Utility Communications

Paper utility bills occasionally include fliers and other information. For those who opt to receive paperless billing, this webpage is for you!

The City Council reviews the fee schedule annually. Find the latest in utility billing communications below.

Find information about how utility rates are calculated and how these funds go to recover expenses and pay for the cost of utility infrastructure in the City of White Bear Lake.

Utility bills for rental property in White Bear Lake stay in the property owner's name rather than in the tenant's name. The city will not do a final meter reading when a tenant moves out of a rental property.  Final meter readings are only done when a property is sold to a new owner. It is the sole responsibility of a rental property owner to collect any unpaid utility bills for the property.

Depending on your inquiry or issue, this page provides contact information for various trash-related inquires. 

4th of July Fireworks by Matt Todd

Click here to see a full list of holidays and those that impact refuse and recycling collection.

The City was notified by Eureka Recycling in December that a recent materials composition analysis found that residuals increased from 9.56% in 2019 to just over 13%, which is a trigger point for action in the City’s processing contract with Eureka.

Invoice Cloud Flyer

Paying your bill is as easy as ever!

  1. Navigate to the Invoice Cloud payment portal and locate your bill.
  2. Enter your payment information, review and submit payment.
  3. Receive an email confirmation of payment amount and date.

It's simple, safe and secure: