
Adopt a Drain
Why adopt A drain?

Storm drains flow directly to local lakes, rivers, and wetlands, acting as a conduit for trash, salt, and organic pollutants. The Adopt-a-Drain program gives residents the opportunity to improve water quality by adopting a storm drain in their neighborhood and keeping it clear of leaves, trash, and other debris to reduce water pollution. Volunteer fifteen minutes, twice a month, for cleaner waterways and healthier communities!


Go to  There you will find instructions, and when you click on "Adopt a Drain" a map of known drain locations will be displayed.  Not all drains are shown on the map, but you can add missing drains.

How are We Doing?

As of December 31, 2022, the City of White Bear Lake has 265 (14.7%) of its 1805 drains adopted.  

We are doing a great job, but we can do even more to protect White Bear Lake and local watersheds!

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Storm Drain courtesy of Scott Costello
Storm Drain courtesy of Scott Costello